Sunday, May 31, 2015

Day 12

I feel like running away,  sometime this week I lost my progress and conviction.

Shoot Me Now

Day 11

No progress to report I am so not happy with myself right now

Friday, May 29, 2015

Day 10

Another Night Like This 
How Many More Like this Will I Have to Endore 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day 8

Gained 2 lbs not feeling it.

Breakfast 10:00am
Grass Fed Bacon & Free Range Eggs
Filtered Enhanced Water

Lunch 1:30pm
Grass Fed Roast Beef
Au Jus &  Horseradish Sauce
Ciabatta Roll
Filtered Enhanced Water

Dinner 6:00pm
Grass Fed Hamburger
Brioche Rolls
2 Ears of Corn

Monday, May 25, 2015


I seriously think we need a new holiday called No Complainers Day.  Sometimes I find it so hard to move forward with all of the negativity that just comes from family.  Does it make me a bad person that I am jonesing to turn around and simply say shut the fuck up your truly harshing my mellow

Enjoy Your Holiday,
I am taking today off.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Day 7

No change in Weight.

Breakfast 10:30am

Lunch 12:30pm
Upgraded Iceberg Salad with Vinaigrette Dressing 

Dinner 6:00pm
Grass Fed Roast Beef and Sauteed Vegetables

Sunday Walk

Fort Washington State Park

Today the group met at Fort Washington State Park.  We were suppose to meet up at 10:00am, but I had a senior moment and could not find my car keys.  Then my gps took me to the wrong side of the park.  By the time I finally arrived it was 10:37am.  I could not find anyone from the group so I just turned on the music and went a walking.  Come to find out the group did not arrive till 11:00am so we finally crossed paths at 11:20am and I got to back track over some of the part to stay with the group.  All and all it was a good time,  there was a nice breeze so the sun wasnt a big factor.  After the walk we sat down an had lunch and chatted under a large oak at one of the picnic tables.

I enjoyed myself today. 

Day 6

278.6 lbs No movement So Frustrating 

Breakfast 10:30am
BULLETPROOF Mocha Coffee & Strawberries

Lunch 1:30pm
Cucumber Salad

Took some time out to make the grass fed hot dog lets hope they taste as good as they smell

Dinner 6:00pm
Upgraded Salad
BULLETPROOF Chocolate Cupcakes Coco Whip Cream and Amys Non Dairy Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Day 5

278.6lbs - No Movement

Breakfast 11:15am

Lunch 1:45am
Cucumber Salad and Enhanced Filtered Water

Tomorrow We Try Our Hand at Making Grass Fed Hot Dogs from Scratch for the Memorial Day Holiday

Make Coconut Blueberry Ultimately Cream Panna Cotta for Dessert Tonight.  The kitchen smells great I am cooking off a Grass Fed Roast and serving it with Mashed Sweet Potatoes and Sauteed' Greens.

Dinner 6:00pm

Dinner and Dessert were BULLETPROOF and Yummy

Celebrate with the K Factor

Friday, May 22, 2015


159 Pages Views and Not 1 Comment WTH.


Well you can tell it is Friday, somehow family always seems to know how to kill a great mood.  Its 10:50 and I haven't eaten yet because we found the need to water plants and make ice at 10:30 in the morning which is when I eat breakfast yet everyone in the house knows that WTF!!!!!!!!  The lack of support in my daily life is sickening.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Day 4

279lbs - No Change

Breakfast 9:45am
Change of Pace Strawberry Smoothie

Lunch 1:30pm
Got Lost Running Errands so for Lunch I fell of the wagon.  Had 3 slices of a thin crust tomato pie with sausage without cheese and a unsweetened Ice Tea.
Korean Chicken with Sautéed Kale & Kimchi

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Day 3

Allergies in high swing so I woke up with a headache this morning so I will not be doing BULLETPROOF Coffee for breakfast.


Looks like a Good Start

Breakfast 10:30am
Non Coffee Vanilla Latte 
8 Strawberries with 3 BULLETPROOF Cupcakes 1 Package Stevia
Orange Powerade Zero

One of the things I forgot to mention is since I started the supplements at bed time over a week ago I stopped taking all of my prescription medication.  So far there as been no drastic fall out.  I am still dealing with the occasional bout with the tremors but other than that my mood has been improving and alittle more stable without the medication.  YAY! 

Lunch 1:30pm

Changed Up on the Meal Plan
Grass Fed London Broil w/ Herbed GF Butter & A Little Horseradish Sauce
Dam is was Medium and Tender YUM 

Was asked to take pictures to track my progress,  so on every hump day I will be adding a new picture.  Not liking the way I look in this one.

Dinner 6:00pm
BULLETPROOF Roast Beef, Brussels Sprouts, Tomato & Onion Salad
What I realized today that since I am someone that does not use alot of salt that I now need to cut back the salt content in the recipes I am using

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Day 2


Breakfast 10:30am

Non-Coffee Vanilla Latter 
8 Strawberries 1 Package of Stevia
Grape Enhanced Filtered Water

The vanilla flavoring was not strong enough for me so the next time I make it I am just going to match the other ingredients by using 2 tablespoons of pure vanilla bean powder.  

Note to self pay more close attention to your expenses verses your budget.  In a quest too insure I did this the right way I over spent what I had allotted for this month and now I've for to figure out how to get the car inspected.
One of my issues with my health is my memory from the lack of sleep all of these years.  I am hoping once the weight comes off that that will be the final hurdle to a great nights sleep.

Lunch 1:30pm

Salmon Cake with Lemon Tomato Rice
Fruit Enhanced Water

Dinner 7:00pm
Behind Schedule

Baked Salmon, Sweet Potato w/ Herbed GF Butter,
Ginger & Turmeric Broccoli
Great dinner but kitchen was way to HOT!

Monday Recap

Thru the course of day one my beverage of chose was either filter water, powerade zero or enhanced flavored filtered water which can contain 0-10 calories.

Toward the end of the night I did find myself wanting a snack but since I am following the 2 hour rule I went without.  No food 2 hours before bed.

Since the cupcakes yielded more than they are suppose to I am using those as desert the next few days before I make a new desert

Monday, May 18, 2015

And We Are Off

First Official Weigh In:

It is Monday, May 18th which marks the start of my journey.  Unfortunately even though I am starting to sleep better with the heat and my allergies its becoming a challenge.

Breakfast 10:30am
If your French Pressing the Coffee make sure you make enough to give you a full 8oz.
8 Strawberries with 1 Packet Stevia

Collagelatin has not arrived yet so I am going to bake off the cupcakes and start those for desert.  I also to run for more avocados so that I can make a salad later.

Lunch 1:30pm

Upgraded Iceberg Salad with BULLETPROOF Ranch Dressing

Sorry did not have time to make them look pretty but they were quite tasty.

Dinner 6:00pm

Upgraded Iceberg Salad with Avocado Dressing and BULLETPROOF Stew
BULLETPROOF Cupcakes for Dessert.

End Day 1

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Can You Smell Whats Cooking

The kitchen smells great and I still have a few more things to put away.  Who's coming over and helping with dishes.  Don't worry I will feed you for your time.

What's Cooking Sunday

BULLETPROOF Pulled Something

First meal in the slow cooker, kitchen smells nice.  I have hit a snack with 2 of the recipes in trying to find liquid forms of a sweetener.  So I am off going grocery store hoping to see what I can find.  If I come up empty I will require a different approach to the recipes stay tuned.

Have not found what I needed from the store.  The Pulled Pork is still slow cooking.  I have done the one pot soup, stew, and meatballs.  I cut up the celery and cumber slices for snacks.  So we are rolling along with prep for my Monday kick off.

Saturday, May 16, 2015


List of Things Made

Upgraded Guacamole
Avocado Dressing
Ranch Dressing
Herb Grass Fed Butter Spread
Shredded Carrots
Sliced Carrots
Carrot Sticks

Managing Change

Change to some is looked at as an opportunity while change to others is not always a welcome thing.  How you define the change and manage it is the key.
Since I decided to move forward in small steps I made the following changes to my eating habits.
I change out the vegetable spray for coconut oil spray which I purchased from Trader Joe's because it was the cheapest there.
I had early on changed out the butter for Earth Balance Organic Whipped Buttery Spread.  Today I switched that out for Earth Balance Coconut Spread.  Coconut products are just starting to hit the main stream stores so they can be kind of pricey.  So find the stores in your area that carry what your looking for and then comparison shop.  Some products are cheaper when you purchase them on line if you can find a site that doesn't bury you with shipping and handling.
When you go thru the recipe read the direction before you purchase the ingredients so you insure you get the right form of that ingredient.
For instance Full Fat Coconut Milk,  I spent a great deal of time scouring the dairy section along with where they keep the shelf stable products only to find out that this particular form of coconut milk comes in a can and is found in the aisle where they keep the goya products or in the international aisle.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Secondary Goal

As you have already noticed my favorite color is purple.  For some odd reason I have always wanted a purple suit.  When I found out one of my closest friends was getting married like some I went shopping for a new suit on line to try and save money.  When looking at sizes like an idiot I thought since I currently wear a 3xl that I could order the suit in a 3xl.  Once it arrived I realized that the suit would not fit me.  Now knowing the suit only cost me $69.99 I did not want to return it.  So this is now my secondary goal.  To fit into this suit by my 46th birthday which is on October 16th.

A Confession

I must confess that I am quite concerned about starting my journey.  I have in the past like some ventured down this path before without results.  But I guess its true what they say the diet is only as good as the persons will power that is on it.  And since I have nothing but time on my hands I do believe I want and need to make this happen.

Trying Something New

Friday Dinner
Salmon Cakes W/
Lemon Tomato Rice
Tasted Better then it Looks
The Salmon Cakes Cracked Under Pressure lol

Friday Recap

You Can Not Take It With You

Today was my last shopping day for the next week.  I have everything I need to get started.  My total investment to date has been $864.76.  Yes I spent money on things I did not specifically need for the diet but there were things I wanted to keep me organized and make it easier to move forward.  We will not know if the investment was worth it until Monday, June 1st, 2015.

Time to Try Some Recipes

Testing Day in The Journey Kitchen

Today we are going to start working with recipes to get an early jump start on the beginning of the diet.  I am going to make:
BULLETPROOF Guacamole Dressing
BULLETPROOF Upgraded Guacamole
Moved to Saturday because of weather forecast.

Then off to do some more shopping,  Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Produce Junction, and Shoprite

A Better Nights Sleep

Last night I found myself sleeping more soundly.  I awoke fewer times then normal and was able to use the winx machine without the chinstrap.  All and all my sleep is starting to improve and I am falling asleep faster.  YAY!

Friday, May 15th

The BULLETPROOF Sleep Induction Mat

A stimulating relaxation tool to induce faster, deeper sleep. (+)

Reported Benefits:
  • Fall asleep faster (+)
  • Upgraded sleep quality (+)
  • Muscle relaxation (+)
  • Energy increase (+)
  • Supports healthy endorphin and Oxycontin release (+)
  • Maintains healthy levels of stress (+)
  • Supplements recommended Magnesium & Glutathione 

  • Thursday, May 14, 2015

    Step Five

    Review Your Progress

    Check on Whats Arrived

    Go through your shopping list for Produce Junction & Trader Joe's

    Make sure your organized and ready to go

    Finish all of your shopping Saturday

    Start cooking more difficult meals on Sunday

    Sunday get all of the cheating out because that is your last day

    Step Four

    Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy and Critic!

    Continually doing this gets you know where fast!

    Step Three

    The BULLETPROOF Diet Book

    Top 10 Supplements You Should Be Taking

    Supplement Schedule

    The BULLETPROOF Road Map

    The BULLETPROOF Shopping Guide

    Your Shopping Needs

    The BULLETPROOF 2 Week Meal Plan

    Your 2 Week Menu Plan

    The BULLETPROOF Recipe Appendix

    Product Order Sheet

    Diet Expense Log

    Weight Tracking Log

    Step Two

    Using The Tools At Hand

    Before I start out on my new journey I wanted to ensure I had everything I needed to begin.
    Using existing tools from The BULLETPROOF Diet and creating others thru Office.  I put together a binder to help me get started on my journey and a tool to use along the way.

    Step One


    After talking with the K Factor about what he was doing I decided to do my own research about The BULLETPROOF DIET.  First I purchased Nook version of the book off the Barnes and Noble website.  As I read the book I began taking notes and writing down my thoughts.
    As you go thru the book Dave gives you a lot of useful information to use.  Knowing that my memory is not what it used to be.  I started to make up little cheat sheets to help me along my journey. 

    The A Factor

    The A Factor

    They say when you depart on a new journey that it is always good to know where your true north lye's.  As of yet I am not exactly shore where my true north is.  But I will always know where my true west is.  To find it all I need to do is look at the A Factor.  I have know the A Factor quite awhile.  Having such a person in ones life can be a great experience.  The A Factor is a man of a million and one things going on in any one given day.  He is grounded, determined and driven.  Yet he still finds the time in practically everyday to check on me.  For that I will always be honored and grateful.  It is for this reason that I am glad he will be with me on my new journey.  When I told the A Factor what I was about to do his only response was I am here to support you, let me know what it is that you need from me.

    That in itself was a great gift to be given.
    I will always be grateful to have the A Factor as part of my life.
    Thank You WCW.

    The K Factor

    The K Factor

    K and I have a lot in common.  I think the biggest thing we both do is give 150% to our career while always putting our personal needs last.  Over worked, and stressed to the max has become the normal way of life these days.  We all deal with stress differently, some of us eat to ease the stress while others drink, and some do both.  Back in the day I did both quite frequently until I started taking medication.  Then the cap when back onto the vodka bottle and I started grazing twice as much.  Unlike me K still has a full time job which he gives his all too.  But as you can imagine once you begin to lose yourself in the food and alcohol, weight gain and bouts of depression are not too far behind.

    No matter what K has gone thru he has always been willing to share his smile.  I will say this I do regret the fact that where I am concerned K has taking a lot of negativity and moodiness from me.  For that I will always be sorry,  it is true what the say you always seem to hurt the ones that mean the most to you without evening trying to do so. 

    In one of our many conversations K told me what he is currently going thru and what he decided he would do to try and work thru it.  K is the one that introduced me to The BULLETPROOF Diet.  After he told be about what he was doing I decided to do research on it.  Unlike K I have not started on my BULLETPROOF Journey just yet.  I am working on weeding out all of the Kyrptonite from the house.   I begin my Journey on May 18th, 2015.  

    After which I can compare progress with K to see how we are both doing.  It will be nice to be able to share that part of the experience with him.  I hope K is aware that his friendship means the world to me and no matter what we keep the communication alive.

    Thank You K for Being Such A Good Friend