Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Day 2


Breakfast 10:30am

Non-Coffee Vanilla Latter 
8 Strawberries 1 Package of Stevia
Grape Enhanced Filtered Water

The vanilla flavoring was not strong enough for me so the next time I make it I am just going to match the other ingredients by using 2 tablespoons of pure vanilla bean powder.  

Note to self pay more close attention to your expenses verses your budget.  In a quest too insure I did this the right way I over spent what I had allotted for this month and now I've for to figure out how to get the car inspected.
One of my issues with my health is my memory from the lack of sleep all of these years.  I am hoping once the weight comes off that that will be the final hurdle to a great nights sleep.

Lunch 1:30pm

Salmon Cake with Lemon Tomato Rice
Fruit Enhanced Water

Dinner 7:00pm
Behind Schedule

Baked Salmon, Sweet Potato w/ Herbed GF Butter,
Ginger & Turmeric Broccoli
Great dinner but kitchen was way to HOT!

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