Thursday, May 14, 2015

April 26th, 2015

Today started out like any other, I feel too tired to be productive and too exhausted to care.  Just your normal Sunday for me, then I realized the date.  April 26th was always a day that was important to me because it was on this day that my grandmother was born.  If she were still alive on this day she would have been 89.  Unfortunately we lost her in 2001 she was only 75.  My grandmother is on the left of the above picture beside our Aunt Mary.

I grew up knowing 2 parents my mother and my grandmother.  I was raised to always be the strong one, supportive, and caring but my health issues took a toll on all of this.  I was not raised to be the kind of person that threw in the towel when the going got tough but that is what I had become.  So it was only fitting that on this day I decided that I was going to do something to change the cycle.  As of yet I wasn't sure what that would be but I promised myself that it would happen.  As the day progressed I found myself reaching out to my friends.  It was one I spoke to one of them that I began to realize what I needed to commit to.  For discussion purposes we will refer to my first friend as the K Factor and my second friend as the A Factor

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