Thursday, May 14, 2015

The K Factor

The K Factor

K and I have a lot in common.  I think the biggest thing we both do is give 150% to our career while always putting our personal needs last.  Over worked, and stressed to the max has become the normal way of life these days.  We all deal with stress differently, some of us eat to ease the stress while others drink, and some do both.  Back in the day I did both quite frequently until I started taking medication.  Then the cap when back onto the vodka bottle and I started grazing twice as much.  Unlike me K still has a full time job which he gives his all too.  But as you can imagine once you begin to lose yourself in the food and alcohol, weight gain and bouts of depression are not too far behind.

No matter what K has gone thru he has always been willing to share his smile.  I will say this I do regret the fact that where I am concerned K has taking a lot of negativity and moodiness from me.  For that I will always be sorry,  it is true what the say you always seem to hurt the ones that mean the most to you without evening trying to do so. 

In one of our many conversations K told me what he is currently going thru and what he decided he would do to try and work thru it.  K is the one that introduced me to The BULLETPROOF Diet.  After he told be about what he was doing I decided to do research on it.  Unlike K I have not started on my BULLETPROOF Journey just yet.  I am working on weeding out all of the Kyrptonite from the house.   I begin my Journey on May 18th, 2015.  

After which I can compare progress with K to see how we are both doing.  It will be nice to be able to share that part of the experience with him.  I hope K is aware that his friendship means the world to me and no matter what we keep the communication alive.

Thank You K for Being Such A Good Friend

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